39. Allen V. Part 1

The joys and struggles of the sandwich generation.

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Welcome to EverydayFI, the podcast that explores the lives and stories of everyday people in the financial independence community. This is part one with my guest Allen, and in today’s episode we discuss his journey to financial independence. Allen talks about transitioning from a tech career to early retirement at age 50, heavily influenced by observing his parents' financial struggles. Our conversation also delves into raising teenagers and Allen's thoughtful approach to allowing his children to work and navigate their own financial decisions. We also talk about the challenges and strategies of being in the sandwich generation, balancing the care of aging parents while supporting teenage children. Allen emphasizes the power of learning and adapting to overcome obstacles, like learning to downsize in retirement. This first episode with Allen provides a rich narrative on adapting to financial independence later in life while managing familial responsibilities and planning an unconventional, yet fulfilling future.

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40. Allen V. Part 2


38. Mitch & Meg’s Money Musings